The best diet for eyes, "eggs" - INFOPEDIA 360
Everyone is the kid or the big, the food is like everyone. The morning breakfast is considered as nausea without eggs, and if it is not available for food, then it is also egghed in such a time. Just fry eggs and omelette, then there are various types of eggs, eggs of egg potatoes, or egg burgers, indigo eggs. If egg utility is mentioned, there will be very few foods in the world that can fight eggs. Well, eggs have a lot of benefits, but some are the most important of them, due to which it can also be called super food.
- Useful cholesterol
Approximately 212 mg of cholesterol is found in an egg, but fortunately it is a useful type of cholesterol which does not increase the risk of cholesterol in the blood.
- Best diet for eyes
Lutein and cautoneide ingredients found in the eggs are also relatively easy to eat from other eggs and get better quality. Regardless of the diet of those foods, due to these ingredients, the risk of eye disease is very low.
- Helpful absorb calcium
Eggs are also full of vitamin D, which absorb calcium better in body, and strengthen the bones and teeth as well. Feeding eggs to children only from childbirth helps maintain their health and require body Calcium and energy shortages are incomplete. Some mothers think that the eggs should only eat in the winter, but use of eggs is beneficial every season. In fact, feeding in milk helps children get a big nutrition.
- Reduce the risk of acne
According to a research, cholesterol in the eggs is not harmful for the health, while the omega-throat present in this fatty acid reduces the level of 'tri glyceride', which reduces the risk associated with blood vessels such as diarrhea, etc. Is.
- Heart disease protection
Cholesterol is found in the eggs of HDL, which does not cause damage to the health. This reduces the risk of heart disease and many other diseases.
- Best for skin, hair and liver
Bioutons, vitamins B12 in the eggs and other protein hair and the skin's strength play the role in their elasticity. Similarly, the egg habitat liver improves the poisonous material emission process.
- The protein's treasure
There is 6 grams of high quality protein in one egg and all 9 aminoids of human body requirement are also found in it. The protein is the main factor for the development of human body, and it is very important for the growing children.
- Best for mental health
In one egg of eggs, approximately 300 micro grams are found Choline. This dietary component protects brain, nervous system and during blood circulation. The component called Colen-based Phospholopides helps normal communication between brain cells. According to a clinical study, the acquisition of colin is very important for mental health, if the two eggs are eaten daily, then the body gets the ingredients in a fair amount. On the other hand, the lack of cholin causes memory remedies.
- Cancer risk decreases
The essential ingredient for the brain reduces the risk of cancer also. According to a research that women use their daily habitat for fights, the risk of breast cancer decreases by 18%.
- Physical Weight Loss
According to an American research, breakfast with eggs allows less calorie nutrients to decrease in physical weight as quickly as possible.
- Anti-eating food
According to a Dutch study, daily use of two eggs in the age of 35 to 40 is missing in the women's edges (growth marks), while smooth and tightens skin, in the same way eating eggs will significantly decrease the eyes around the eyes. Are there
- Precautions
In addition to numerous benefits, the egg is also harmful in some cases. For example, if you have acidity acne, do not eat it. Similarly, consult the doctor before using eggs in kidney stones, corrosion, bad digestion and brush diseases.
The best diet for eyes, "eggs" - INFOPEDIA 360
Reviewed by Anonymous
12:40 AM
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