Hollywood movie "Captive Estate" released the first trailer - INFOPEDIA 360


captive state movie

Hollywood movie "Captive Estate" released the first trailer - INFOPEDIA 360

Become fans of thirsty movies because the first international trailer of the Hollywood Science Fiction movie Captive State has been released.

The story of this film, directed by Robert Violet, is walking around the occupation of unmanned forces in which Chicago residents are trapped badly.

The cast of the movie includes other actors including John Gadden, Vera Figaga, Ashton Senders, Jonathan Major, Machine Gun Kelly and Ben Daniels.

This movie, full of composite scenes of David Crucet and Robert Violet, will be celebrated on March 29, 2019 for cinemas.

Hollywood movie "Captive Estate" released the first trailer - INFOPEDIA 360

Hollywood movie "Captive Estate" released the first trailer - INFOPEDIA 360 Hollywood movie "Captive Estate" released the first trailer - INFOPEDIA 360 Reviewed by Anonymous on 12:13 AM Rating: 5

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